Processed Thoughts


The words I was taught to stop saying like a broken record

when I was a rambunctious kid

The phrase I never wanted in my vocabulary

because it’s a feeling I had hoped to never express

has become one of the most powerful few words

that I can turn to for clarity

better than chilling with Netflix

better than waiting

for what I am told will happen

better than a glass of wine and good chocolate

I simply don’t care anymore

I repeat after me

when I am feeling uncertain

when I feel like settling means

with not much

when I lose my cell phone

I truly don’t care

I really don’t

things will be fine

I know what I can change

and what I can’t

is beyond my control

this is the simplest of math

the easiest equation to solve

when the dust settles

I know this

we mostly know it

worrying about something has never actually changed an outcome


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