Fine Arts

I  am taking a vacation

I thought it would be a nice distraction

It’s hard to leave the stuff behind you

that is creating tension

but I think the best that I can do

is rediscover the art of doing nothing.

18 thoughts on “Fine Arts

  1. I just got rid of some very personal things,that’s all they were an object with an opinion say in I’m mine I’m mine not yours it was a semi sweet good its happening more and more & they come with a price they take And they give
    Objects with an opinion,a semi sweet goodbye

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Une pensée fondamentale qu’on ne devrait jamais oublier. Je me fais souvent cette réflexion et j’espère que nous pourrons un jour partager quelques moments à raffiner l’art de ne rien faire.
    Je ne commente jamais mais je te lis toujours. Je t’aime Harlon!


    • Christine, je pense a toi tres souvent, j’espere, meme bientot, que nous pouvons avoir a reunion.
      Tu etais, tu es, et tu sera quelqu’une que j’aime unconditionallement. Bises, Harlon


    • Thank you, and that line about rediscovering the art of doing nothing, has been powerful to me. Sometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves to be performing, and now, with all that is going on in my life, I think letting go and just “being” is going to be important for all aspects of feeling well and connected. Thanks for commenting. You are the best! Much love, Harlon

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