
It’s time for me

to take my caregiver spirit

which by nature I apply to others

because it is good and feels right

and take that caregiver spirit and turn it around

and apply it to me.

23 thoughts on “Turnaround

  1. I’m with you!
    It is hard for me to understand why it is such a difficult task…but I, too, am in that place where the tables must be turned.
    Sending lots of love and blessings to you ❤


  2. YES! I’m so happy to read this! My hope and wish is that you give yourself extra good care for a while. And always include yourself in your circle of compassion.

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  3. How lovely to see your words again, Harlon! As a caregiver myself, I’ve recently come to the same conclusion…the baby steps I’m taking will hopefully lead to leaps and bounds…take good care and never give up!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much, and it was such a treat for me to hear from you – and there is something powerful connecting with someone who can understand and relate to my challenges. Keep up with those baby steps, it’s quite remarkable how they add up and you discover how far they can take you. Take care of yourself and like you said, never give up. Lotsa love, Harlon

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