

I am so blessed

that I can see

for miles

and miles

and miles.

19 thoughts on “Visionary

    • Thanks Tony, that’s exactly what it was, a moment of clarity. So unexpected, so easily achieved – yet in the day to day life it seems so unattainable. It’s not, I guess it’s just finding what we need to get to that clarity. I hope you have a great day and a week full of moments of clarity or at least great memories of them 🙂 Harlon

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    • Hello, yes I am doing well. I think I got stuck in the GTA region for a bit too long and it really is quite remarkable how spending a little time by the lake and breathing it all in makes such a difference on how life feels and how the future looks. Hope you are doing splendidly as well. Love, Harlon


    • Thank you, it was one of those beautiful moments that was so simple. I sometimes wonder why happiness seems so complex when I find these moments of clarity and of beauty. Thank you for sharing this with me. Peace, Harlon


    • Thanks Michael, in my writing, I do like to explore the dark and the light, but when it comes to living and being present, banking towards the glorious expanse feels more like living. I just returned from the cottage and sometimes that’s all it takes, is an unobstructed horizon, a brisk walk and the sound of the waves to remind me that life is glorious and that it’s up to me to not let the stress of urban life be a distraction. Peace my friend, Harlon

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