
Does making things easier, make things easier?

22 thoughts on “Clonazapem

  1. Well I’m definitely not in the ‘hugs not drugs’ camp. I think medication can and does help people. But I think finding a doctor you trust is paramount, and finding a medication that works for you can be a long haul.

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  2. Growing up in diffetent culture where it seemed “easier” was not such a priority, perhaps it tainted my perceptions. Well, our school dentist used to rip out root nerves, that is do root canals without any anestesia. I am therefore a mean mom when kids are sick, no medications. By treating the symptoms or eliminating the symptoms or hiding the symptoms we too often allow the unwellness to pester.
    Good you are asking those questions.

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    • I agree, hugs always over drugs, but for some people, hugs don’t come by as often as we’d like them too, and some conditions, may need some extra help, but I do think the best thing is to start with a natural approach. I’ll start now – HUGS, Harlon


  3. Excellent question. I could write pages on the topic of benzodiazepines and whether they make things easier. But first, I should clarify my bias. I’m a Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist and worked for over 30 years as a substance abuse counselor, so I worked with people who suffer from addiction as well as mental health problems. I have seen a few people in my work who could use this medication as prescribed, and I’ve heard there are many more who never have a problem with benzos. But what I saw in my job, on a regular basis, was people with addiction problems who abused and over used this medication to the point of being so impaired they had no memory of their actions and experienced severe withdrawal when they tried to stop. Some died in car accidents due to misuse of the benzodiazepines, often in combination with alcohol or other drugs. So, yeah, I’m biased based on my experience and believe this class of medication requires caution. But to get to your question, benzodiazepines can make things easier in the short run. When used properly and as directed, (and remember that Doctors are human) this medication can help people manage anxiety and function more normally. But what about the underlying issues causing the anxiety? I firmly believe that learning and practicing other coping skills like mindfulness, meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, positive distraction, etc. should be used along with anti-anxiety medications, because learning theses skills can help make life easier in the long run. But for people who have problems with addiction, it’s a slippery slope. I’d love to know what you think, Harlon.

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    • Kaiser had me on 6mg of klonopin a day for 8 1/2 years, for no good reason that I know of. I saw a picture of me and my daughter Christmas of 99 and I looked absolutely glazed. My eyes were glaring with a vacant glaze, no natural glisten or gleam – I looked like a zombie. Saw a picture of me in 1989 with the whole family, pre-klonopin, and I looked to be vibrant and alive. Took a picture of myself on my cell phone the day before yesterday, and I look healthier now than I did in 99 on the klonopin, eve though it’s 18 years later.

      I swore off klonopin cold turkey (4mg/day) on May 10, 2004. I experienced no seizures. Three days later everyone wondered what had happened to me because suddenly, I wasn’t spacing things out anymore, and I was remembering everybody’s correct names. They told me it was actually possible to hold a conversation with me. I spoke coherently and listened well. Three days before that I babbled like an idiot, and didn’t hear a word.

      I held the same piano job for the 8 /2 years I was on the 6mg, as well as a number of different day jobs. Before my evening gig, every single night I entered into incredible anxiety combined with completely irrational fears about what was going to happen to me there. Then I’d take the pills, drive to work, and everything was fine. Since then, I’ve done gigs in the evening of the same magnitude, and have never experienced this huge period of anxiety and fear.

      I cannot think that a responsible psychiatrist would not admit to his or her patients that clonazepam (klonopin) does more harm than good. I cannot speak for addiction, but I do know that if I ran out in those days, and I couldn’t get to the pharmacy over the weekend, by Monday I was a sleepless wreck, writhing in the sheets.

      In conclusion; WHO NEEDS IT??

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      • I agree that a balanced approach is best. I try natural ways of healing first (mindfulness, meditation, walks in nature). I also think informed dialogue between a Doctor and a patient about values and treatment goals are important but not everyone has that rapport with their healthcare provider. Ultimately, I think it’s about making informed choices that reflect your values and sometimes the answer is a hybrid of the natural along with the biomedical. Thanks for your thoughtful comment. 🙂 Harlon

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    • Thank you JoAnna for a great comment and for engaging me on my thoughts. I apologize it has taken me a while, but I was formulating a response, and then it occurred to me, my best course of action is to post specifically about benzodiazepines – so keep your eye out on that over the next week. In the meantime, I think the Doctor/patient dialogue is paramount, including discussing values, treatment goals. I do think this class of drugs can be effective for bridging and I also think there is a nuance between addiction and reliance. I guess, I should have SPOILER ALERT before I typed that all in. Stay tuned, and thanks for stimulating exciting dialogue. Hugs, Harlon

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      • It is a complicated issue to be sure. There is definitely a nuance between addiction and reliance and there are people who can navigate that, and bridging, safely. No apology needed. I appreciate your time and look forward to more on this. Hugs, to you, Harlon.

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