And This As Well

I forgot, until tonight, how magical it is to look up at the night sky and see the stars.  To first see the one that stands out as the brightest, then to spend more time and to absorb the rest of the sky and to see that there are so many stars, so many heavenly bodies. There is so much going on out there.

It is a marvelous experience to gaze at the stars. They are all floating and spinning in space.

Like me. Like us.

Addendum: I opted not to include a picture. Firstly, my camera can't capture the night sky. Then I thought about good old Google images and looking for a nice picture of stars. Finally, I settled on going without an image and instead, I highly recommend you take some time one night, even if it's for only five minutes (which is long as I could handle since it's minus 20 degrees celsius tonight), take as much time as you want and experience the magic yourself.


25 thoughts on “And This As Well

  1. Harlon, I can remember when I was young we would lie on the hood of our cars with our backs on the windshield…and just watch the sky!! Yes…the stars are amazing! Sending love and good thoughts ♡

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  2. It always seems like the stars shine brighter on the coldest nights. I love how they twinkle through the branches of leafless trees. Can’t see them as well after the leaves grow back, but I know they are still there twinkling.

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  3. Thanks for the reminder! We have had so many cloudy days and nights all winter, looking for the stars has not been my first thought every evening. Tonight I will check, and even if I can’t see them, I can imagine the magic that the heavenly lights create for us. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, we have had a remarkably grey and cloudy winter here as well, however if you can seize the moment, and I love your approach that even if you can’t see them, it is amazing to witness th heavenly lights that are about us. Hugs, Harlon


    • Hi Derick, it’s been a crazy winter/spring this year. We have set a record number of highs and a record number of lows in the same year. Of course, with the media these days, everything has to be a “record” nevertheless these extreme fluctucations are hard to manage. The forecast is for plus 11 degrees Celcius tomorrow. My tulips and other bulbs are not happy but I do enjoy the signs of life. Hope you and Jackie are doing the same, Harlon

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  4. I live in rural south Texas. Near the gulf. I’ve been noticing the stars and satellites that are so bright too. It’s magical. Peaceful. Serene to watch them! Especially over the bay here. Reminds me of the fragility of life and how small we are all. It reminds me that no matter what pain. What weakness. There’s beauty all around us to get us through even the darkest of days!

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    • I really like the way you put that. It simply made me feel good.. I live near a huge metropolis so I don’t get to see a lot of stars, but still they are there. I do enjoy when I get away deep into nature and how amazing it is how many more stars there are. You summed it up buddy, “There’s beauty all around us through even the darkest of days”. Thanks for commenting, I enjoyed it. Peace, Harlon


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