On Being Stuck


Look at me.

Now I see what I’ve failed to see.

I am not allowing for new opportunities.

I am not creating new memories.

Remember now, give it another chance.

I will be fine, I can relax.

Lethargic, blue, sad and tight.

Replace that feeling with delight.


26 thoughts on “On Being Stuck

  1. Harlon – I inadvertently deleted your comment on one of my posts. I’m sorry! I was able to read part of it as I was trying to reply – think you were talking about looking forward to reading my posts. Anyway, sorry about that and thank you. I’m glad to be finding these nice connections here and look forward to reading your posts as well. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Do we love Harlon or what people. This brilliant writer was one of my first followers and can relate to the feeling he expressed in this writing. We’ve come a long way Harlon. The blog is gaining momentum and I would really appreciate some of your feedback. Your thoughts are wanted with Lardy Arms…Queen Kong and I and Rutjob. Please stop by my friend, its been way too long

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, thank you very much. Oddly, I just noticed you haven’t been showing up in my Reader for some time – it seems WordPress randomly fucks up and somehow unfollowed you, so I am back on board and will be commenting willy nilly. Thank you again for the kind compliments, you made my day. Peace, Harlon


  3. It’s weird to read this when I just had such a long session with a client today, someone who also felt stuck. I wish it was easier for people to see that other people go through the same stuff. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree, and for me just writing this and the response I’ve received has been good therapy. I took part in a Mindfulness Meditation group offered through Mount Sinai as part of a study to demonstrate that meditation does have a clinical relevance and benefit, it was surprising how almost everyone felt a sense of “being stuck” or feeling “when will it end”. I wonder if technology has fostered the isolation of shared emotions and states, or even the state of being isolated itself. Thanks for reading 🙂


  4. Hi Harlon,
    I’m so glad that you followed my blog, it meant I got to find you and I think your story is incredibly inspirational! Would you be interested at all in writing a guest post for my chronicles of illness section on my site? Absolutely no pressure at all but I think that your story is amazing, and I’d really love it if you would, I could definitely learn a lot from you. I hope you’re having a wonderful day 🙂 Harriet

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Harriet, I too am glad we have discovered each other & I look forward to learning about you and from you. I think a guest post would be fun. Why not email me directly at harlon.davey@gmail.com and we can talk more about how we can make it fun and exciting. Hugs, Harlon


  5. It has taken me a long time to embrace many lessons. I’ll embrace them for a moment and then push them away. Such a process! I like what Brad shared about waiting for inner growth to catch up with you and feel like embracing the void will let you see those new opportunities more clearly as they come to you, or as you create them. Sending good wishes and hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sending you sunlight from sunny Arizona!! I really do believe the lack of light may affect most of us. We spent 2 months in Vermont in the fall and with cloudier skies I noticed people smiling considerably less. The sunny state of Arizona gets some 300 sunny days a year. Almost too much for me!! Take care and when the light comes it will be just so much better! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I watched a video by Dr. Sue Morter yesterday that really resonated for me. It was about learning to embrace the void, the times of emptiness when nothing seems to be happening. She suggests that these are the times to embrace the emptiness, pain, feelings and not push or jump to get busy, but relax and wait for the inner growth to catch up before the next creative/ expansionary cycle. I don’t know if this is relevant for your Harlon, but I felt moved to share it. hugs, Brad

    Liked by 3 people

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